The Presentation of Our Lord Parish presents its Leadership and Educational Assistance Program called LEAP-POLP (formerly called the Educational Assistance Program of EAP)

In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said,

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

The Presentation of Our Lord Parish presents its Leadership and Educational Assistance Program called LEAP-POLP (formerly called the Educational Assistance Program of EAP)


LEAP-POLP seeks to help deserving students from less fortunate families by providing a monthly allowance. It also aims to develop them holistically by conducting monthly formation sessions programmed to guide them to become upright and responsible young leaders and citizens.


“When you continue to serve with faithfulness, humility, and right motives, you’re making room in your life for God to fulfill his purposes in you.”- The Maxwell Leadership Bible

LEAP-POLP provides monthly assistance for 10 months to deserving students seeking financial help. However, the LEAP scholarship does not end with financial assistance. The program is complemented with youth formation modules which aims to develop pro-active Christian Filipino scholars. The core team of community volunteers are committed young professionals who design an annual formation curriculum for the scholars. It aspires to focus on learner-centered and youth-oriented programs which will holistically prepare scholars for university life, careers and life ahead.


LEAP scholarship’s formation modules seek to support the scholars’ cognitive, socio-emotional, moral, and leadership development. At the end of the formation cycle, we hope that we were able to ignite that flame in our scholars to be pro-active youth as they take on their roles at home, in their school, as Catholics, and as the future of our nation.


A. Self-discovery series

1. Defining identity
2. Role discernment

B. Mini-immersion series

C. Spirituality series


    • Engagement Activities
    • Team building Activities
    • Webinars for scholars and their families


    Our heartfelt thanks to our all LEAP donors

    Donations can be sent directly to:

    Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.
    Account Name: RCBN-POLP or Presentation of Our Lord Parish
    Account Number: 032-7-032 505 91-7

    Our heartfelt thanks to our all LEAP donors

    Donations can be sent directly to:

    Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.
    Account Name: RCBN-POLP or Presentation of Our Lord Parish
    Account Number: 032-7-032 505 91-7

    Our heartfelt thanks to our all LEAP donors

    Donations can be sent directly to:

    Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.
    Account Name: RCBN-POLP or Presentation of Our Lord Parish
    Account Number: 032-7-032 505 91-7

    Our heartfelt thanks to our all LEAP donors

    Donations can be sent directly to:

    Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.
    Account Name: RCBN-POLP or Presentation of Our Lord Parish
    Account Number: 032-7-032 505 91-7







    FINAL_Scholar List Cycle V
    FINAL_Scholar List Cycle V 2

    Call for Donations

    LEAP-POLP is accepting donations and pledges. As a donor, you can choose to:

    • Sponsor specific students whose names will be advised to you; or
    • Contribute a specific amount to the LEAP Fund that will be administered by the parish.

    For those interested, please fill-up our Pledge Form [PDF file] and send it to leap.polp@gmail.com or leave it at the Parish Office.

    How to Donate

    There are several ways on how you can make your donations – Cash, Check or Fund Transfer.

    • For cash or check, you may forward it to the Parish Office.
    • For deposit or fund transfer, you may do so directly to the LEAP-POLP Bank Account (see details below) and notify us by sending a picture of the deposit slip to polp@gmail.com.
    • Post-dated checks are also accepted.

    Bank: Metrobank


    Account Number: Checking Account 032-7-03250591-7